Score Group Report

Dive into this report for an arsenal of actionable insights. Inside: exclusive peronalised imporovments, speed optimisation hacks, SEO quick-wins, and compelling data-driven content strategy. Your digital leap forward, in a nutshell.

Score Group Report


Website Summary

Based on search results our AI analysed your site and provided top line comments about the site content indexed in Google.

Overview of

The comprehensive analysis of Score Group Limited’s digital presence reveals critical areas requiring immediate attention gain a competitive edge, enhance search engine visibility, and significantly improve website performance.

Top Priority Improvements:

  1. SEO and Content Strategy:
    • Keyword Portfolio Expansion: A glaring content gap vis-à-vis competitors highlights the necessity for a more robust keyword strategy.
    • Domain Rating Enhancement: The company’s digital authority, as measured by Domain Rating (DR), trails behind competitors.
    • Content Volume and Quality: The current website’s content volume and engagement potential are insufficient when compared to competitors.
  2. Website Speed and User Experience:
    • Optimisation of Core Web Vitals: The website’s performance metrics, particularly Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Total Blocking Time (TBT), are alarmingly below Google’s recommended thresholds.
    • Asset Delivery Efficiency: The website’s asset management strategy possibly needs a rethink or some patching.
  3. Technical SEO and Site Health:
    • On-Page SEO Optimisation: A comprehensive on-page SEO strategy is urgently needed to address high-priority issues such as un-optimised HTML, excessive JavaScript, and poor use of semantic HTML elements.
    • Mobile Responsiveness and Accessibility: With mobile-first indexing and accessibility becoming increasingly important, Score Group must ensure its website is fully responsive and accessible to all users, thereby avoiding bad UX rep and enhancing user satisfaction.

Strategic Recommendations:

  • Immediate Action Plan: Prioritise quick wins in SEO and website speed optimisation to halt the erosion of digital competitiveness. This includes addressing critical technical SEO issues and implementing recommended changes to improve core web vitals.
  • Medium to Long-Term Strategy: Develop a comprehensive digital growth and support strategy focusing on content expansion, quality backlink acquisition, and continuous performance monitoring. This strategy should be aligned with business goals and designed to capture a broader audience through improved search visibility and user engagement.


There is a certain amount of urgency to revamp Score Group’s digital presence given just the numerous preliminary audit findings. By adopting a proactive and integrated approach to web support, SEO, content marketing, and website optimisation, Score Group can secure its position as a leader in the highly competitive valves and engineering solutions market. The time to act is now.


Content Gap

We are utilising data from SEO like Ahrefs to conduct a comprehensive analysis of top competing domains the content gap between your domain and its top 10 competitors.

Top 10 Competitors

The list is based on your website’s keywords and domains sharing similar keyword. Strategic business competitors list might different, however this list represents sites your content is currently competing against.

If you don’t recognise any of the names, it is likely your are not ranking for the competitor keywords and should consider exploring this further to make sure you are not loosing out on relevant traffic due to a content gap.

DomainRankCompetitor’s KeywordsCommon KeywordsShareCurrent Traffic

If you don’t recognise any of the names, it is likely your are not ranking for the competitor keywords and should consider exploring this further to make sure you are not loosing out on relevant traffic due to a content gap like this: 

KeywordCompetitors PositionScore Group Position
valve controls7100+
double block and bleed valve946
valve actuators176
actuator valve4100+

Top 5 Detailed Actions to Maximise Organic Traffic

Here are the five most important detailed actions to increase organic traffic:

  1. Analyse and expand the keyword portfolio similar to competitors such as and, ensuring that we cover both high-volume and niche-specific search terms.
  2. Focus on increasing Domain Rating (DR) by building high-quality backlinks, as seen with competitors like, to improve search engine trust and rankings.
  3. Update and increase the number of pages on the site with valuable content to match or exceed competitors like, ensuring that each page is optimised for relevant keywords and user engagement.
  4. Implement targeted content marketing strategies to boost organic traffic, drawing inspiration from the traffic growth observed in and
  5. Continuously monitor and optimise existing content for performance improvements, as indicated by the traffic value change seen in sites like and, ensuring that content remains relevant and competitive.


Top 5 Quick Wins

We run your site through Google PageSpeed Insights and evaluated the performance of a web page on both mobile and desktop devices, here are the biggest gains and suggestions on how to improve page load times.


Top 5 Considerations for Website Speed


The following five actions are paramount to enhance the speed and overall user experience of the website:

  1. Optimise Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): With a reported LCP of 15.8 seconds, the website significantly exceeds the recommended threshold. To improve this, actions such as eliminating render-blocking resources (with potential savings of 9,070 ms) should be prioritised. This could involve deferring non-critical CSS and JavaScript or inlining critical resources to reduce the number of round trips required during page load.
  2. Minimise Total Blocking Time (TBT): The TBT of 550 ms suggests that the main thread is frequently blocked, preventing user input. Reducing JavaScript execution time (reported at 1.8 s) and minimising main-thread work (4.1 s) are essential to address this. Techniques such as code splitting, optimising and deferring the execution of non-critical scripts, and removing any unnecessary third-party scripts can contribute to a lower TBT.
  3. Reduce Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): With a CLS of 0.457, the page experiences more layout shifts than desired. It’s important to avoid large layout shifts by ensuring that images and other media have explicit width and height attributes, and by reserving space for ad slots to prevent unexpected reflows.
  4. Improve Asset Delivery: The data highlights several areas for optimisation, including enabling text compression (potential savings of 1,262 KiB), serving images in next-gen formats (potential savings of 8,268 KiB), and properly sizing images (potential savings of 58 KiB). Additionally, ensuring static assets are served with an efficient cache policy can reduce load times for repeat visitors.
  5. Enhance Server Response Times: The initial server response time for the root document is 2,170 ms. To improve this, actions such as reducing the initial server response time, utilising a Content Delivery Network (CDN), optimising server configuration, and reviewing hosting solutions for performance can be beneficial.

While addressing these critical performance issues, it’s also important to ensure that accessibility, SEO, and best practices are not overlooked, as they contribute to a holistic and user-friendly web experience.


Issues to fix

Analysing current on page SEO here’s a list of top issues which should be addressed

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Main Site

SEO SCORE 51/100 (very low)

HIGHAim for a Cumulative Layout Shift score of 0.1 or less to ensure a good user experience.
HIGHAim for a Largest Contentful Paint duration of 2.5 seconds or less to ensure a good user experience.
HIGHMinify all JavaScript files to reduce page size and loading time.
HIGHEnable HTML compression to reduce page size and loading times.
HIGHInclude the most common keywords in the title tag, meta description, and heading tags for better topic identification by Search Engines.
HIGHUse H1 and H2 tags to improve search engine visibility and ranking.
HIGHConsider using structured data to help search engines understand your content better.
HIGHImplement HTTP/2 protocol for faster page load times and improved performance.
HIGHEliminate any render-blocking resources to improve the website experience for your visitors.
HIGHUse images in modern formats to reduce file size and improve loading speed.
HIGHReduce loading times to retain visitors, as pages taking longer than 5 seconds to load may lose up to 50% of visitors.
HIGHConsider reducing the HTML size to improve loading times and retain visitors.
MEDIUMImplement a caching mechanism for static HTML content to enhance website performance.
MEDIUMAim for a First Contentful Paint value of 1.8 seconds or less to provide a good user experience.
MEDIUMAim for a Time To First Byte value of 0.8 seconds or less to provide a good user experience.
MEDIUMAdd cache headers for CSS resources to speed up the webpage for returning users.
MEDIUMAdd cache headers for JavaScript resources to speed up the webpage for returning users.
MEDIUMAdd cache headers for images to improve website performance for returning visitors.
MEDIUMReduce the Document Object Model (DOM) size for faster page loading and improved site performance.
MEDIUMServe properly sized images to reduce loading times and improve user experience.
MEDIUMAdd “rel=noopener” or “rel=noreferrer” to your “target=_blank” links to avoid performance and security issues.
MEDIUMUse social media meta tags to improve shared link content on social media platforms.




NameIssue TypeURLs% of TotalDescription
H1: MissingIssue6833.5%Pages which have a missing H1, the content is empty or has a whitespace.
Page Titles: Over 561 PixelsOpportunity8742.86%Pages with page titles over Google’s estimated pixel length limit.
Images: Over 100 KBOpportunity8138.76%Large images that may slow down web pages.
Canonicals: MissingWarning3113.3%Pages without a specified canonical URL.
H1: MultipleWarning4723.15%Pages which have multiple H1s.
Content: Low Content PagesOpportunity4820.6%Pages with low word count, below 200 words.
Page Titles: Over 60 CharactersOpportunity9044.33%Page titles that exceed the configured limit and may be truncated.
Page Titles: DuplicateOpportunity62.96%Pages with duplicate page titles.
Meta Description: MultipleIssue10.49%Pages with multiple meta descriptions.
Response Codes: Internal Client Error (4xx)Issue30.57%Internal URLs with client-side errors like 404 Page Not Found.


External Review

We analysed your environments to check for any common problems.


List of security assessment results and recommendations following a external preliminary Vulnerability Scan.


Test DescriptionCVECVSSVulnerabilityRisk LevelRisk DescriptionRecommendation
Checking for valuable information in HTTP headers…N/AN/AInteresting headers foundLowHTTP headers may disclose sensitive information that could help an attacker.Review and remove unnecessary HTTP headers that may reveal system information.

Please note that the results are preliminary and may contain false positives.



Shared Hosting Detected

List of domains hosted on the same server:

This table includes the domain names and their last resolved dates, extracted from the provided data. The full data contains 27 domains.

If you don’t recognise some of these domains, it’s likely your site is hosted on a shared server – worth reviewing the risks itemised below.

Domain NameLast Resolved

In the context of web hosting, particularly for businesses, opting for dedicated hosting can be a significant decision. Dedicated hosting provides an exclusive server for a single client, which means that the client does not share the server’s resources with any other users. This exclusivity can lead to enhanced performance, security, and control—factors that are crucial for businesses that rely on their online presence for operations and revenue.

The importance of dedicated hosting for business reasons includes:

  1. Performance: With dedicated hosting, businesses can expect improved website loading times due to the availability of dedicated resources. This can be particularly important for sites that experience high traffic volumes or require significant processing power.
  2. Security: Dedicated servers can offer stronger security measures since the business has complete control over the server’s security protocols. This can be critical for companies that handle sensitive data.
  3. Customisation: Businesses have the flexibility to customise the server environment to their specific needs, including the operating system, software, and configurations.
  4. Reliability: Since the server is not shared, there are fewer chances of downtime caused by other websites’ traffic spikes or technical issues.

On the other hand, shared hosting, where multiple clients share the resources of a single server, can pose several risks:

  1. Resource Limitation: Websites on shared hosting may experience slower performance due to the shared resources among numerous clients.
  2. Security Concerns: If one website on a shared server is compromised, there is a potential risk for other sites on the same server to be affected.
  3. Limited Control: Clients have limited ability to install custom software or make server configuration changes, which can be restrictive for businesses with specific needs.
  4. IP Blacklisting: If one of the websites on a shared server engages in malicious or spammy behavior, it could lead to the server’s IP being blacklisted, affecting all websites hosted on that server.

Search engines and web services may consider the type of hosting as a factor when assessing a website’s credibility and reliability. While dedicated hosting is generally not directly referenced as a ranking factor by major search engines like Google, the indirect benefits such as faster loading times, better uptime, and enhanced security can contribute positively to SEO rankings.

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