Lucy Group Report

Dive into this report for an arsenal of actionable insights. Inside: exclusive peronalised imporovments, speed optimisation hacks, SEO quick-wins, and compelling data-driven content strategy. Your digital leap forward, in a nutshell.

Lucy Group Report


Website Summary

Based on search results our AI analysed your site and provided top line comments about the site content indexed in Google.

Overview of

  1. Company Overview: Lucy Group is an international organisation focused on making the built environment more sustainable, improving lives through intelligent power, smart lighting, and sustainable homes.
  2. History and Heritage: Established in 1812, headquartered in Oxford, England, Lucy Group has a rich history of innovation and diversification.
  3. Global Presence: Operating in over 12 countries across 5 continents, employing over 1,600 people.
  4. Business Units: Includes Lucy Electric, Lucy Controls, and Lucy Real Estate, focusing on electrical power, lighting, and housing with an emphasis on technology and environmental considerations. 
  5. Values and Ethos: The Group is driven by a set of values that guide their work with customers, suppliers, and partners.
  6. Financial Stability: As a privately held company, Lucy Group is not publicly listed, focusing on long-term value and financial stability. 
  7. Sustainability and CSR: Committed to carbon-free infrastructure and sustainable living, with a strong emphasis on corporate social responsibility.
  8. Career Opportunities: Offers diverse roles in various sectors, with operations in multiple global regions.
  9. Annual Financial Performance: Reports significant turnover and profit, demonstrating strong financial performance.


Content Gap

We are utilising data from SEO like Ahrefs to conduct a comprehensive analysis of top competing domains the content gap between your domain and its top 10 competitors.

Top 5 Detailed Actions to Maximise Organic Traffic

Here are the five most important detailed actions to increase organic traffic:

  1. Enhance Keyword Strategy: Focus on integrating a broader range of keywords, particularly those used by and, which share common keywords with our site. Emphasising these shared keywords can help tap into their traffic sources.
  2. Content Expansion: Increase the number of pages on the site, akin to, which saw a significant page increase. More content generally correlates with higher traffic and visibility.
  3. Improve Domain Authority (DR): Sites like with high DR tend to have more traffic. Investing in SEO practices to improve our site’s authority can lead to better traffic.
  4. Optimise for Current Trends: Adapt to current trends in traffic and keyword popularity, as seen with and This involves regular analysis and adjustment of SEO strategies.
  5. Engage in Backlink Building: Focus on acquiring quality backlinks, similar to competitors with high traffic values like This not only improves DR but also directs traffic from established sites to ours.

Top 10 Competitors

DomainRankCompetitor’s KeywordsCommon KeywordsShareCurrent Traffic


Top 5 Quick Wins

We run your site through Google PageSpeed Insights and evaluated the performance of a web page on both mobile and desktop devices, here are the biggest gains and suggestions on how to improve page load times.



To enhance the speed of the Lucy Group website, based on the performance analysis data, the following five actions are crucial:

  1. Optimise Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): The current LCP is 13.5 seconds, which is significantly high. Optimising the largest contentful element, potentially large images or blocks of text, can improve this metric. This includes image compression, efficient loading of text, and prioritising above-the-fold content.
  2. Reduce JavaScript Execution Time: Currently, JavaScript execution takes 1.7 seconds. Minimising and optimising JavaScript can significantly speed up the site. This could involve deferring non-essential scripts, minimising the amount of JavaScript needed for the initial load, and removing unused scripts.
  3. Minimise Main-Thread Work: The main-thread is occupied for 2.7 seconds. Reducing this involves optimising the critical rendering path, minimising CSS and JavaScript blocking time, and breaking up long tasks into smaller, asynchronous operations.
  4. Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources: With a potential saving of 2,090 ms by eliminating render-blocking resources, prioritising asynchronous loading of CSS and JavaScript files will be beneficial. Leveraging techniques like async and defer attributes for script tags can help in this regard.
  5. Serve Images in Next-Gen Formats and Efficient Cache Policy: Converting images to next-gen formats (like WebP) can save about 5,128 KiB. Also, implementing an efficient cache policy for static assets to reduce load times for returning visitors is crucial.

Implementing these actions should significantly improve the website’s speed, enhancing user experience and potentially improving search engine rankings.


Issues to fix

Analysing current on page SEO here’s a list of top issues which should be addressed

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Main Site

SEO SCORE 70/100

HIGHAvoid URL parameters and use hyphens to separate words in URLs instead of underscores.
HIGHEliminate render-blocking resources to improve the website experience for visitors.
HIGHUse images in a modern format to reduce file size and improve loading speed.
HIGHReduce the HTML size to improve loading times and retain visitors.
HIGHAdd descriptive “alt” attributes to all “img” tags to improve website accessibility.
MEDIUMAdd cache headers for CSS resources to speed up the webpage for returning users.
MEDIUMAdd cache headers for JavaScript resources to speed up the webpage for returning users.
MEDIUMAdd cache headers for images to improve website performance for returning visitors.
MEDIUMAddress JavaScript errors that can impact user experience.
MEDIUMAvoid using distorted images to improve user experience.
MEDIUMAdd “rel=noopener” or “rel=noreferrer” to “target=_blank” links to avoid security issues.


Issue TypeURLs% of TotalDescription
Page Titles: Over 60 CharactersMedium47.62%Write concise page titles to ensure important words are not truncated in the search results, not visible to users and potentially weighted less in scoring.
Images: Over 100 KBMedium52.77%Ensure images are optimised with compression, properly scaled, and using the best image format to reduce file size where possible.
Page Titles: Over 561 PixelsMedium42.26%Write concise page titles to ensure important words are not truncated in the search results, not visible to users and potentially weighted less in scoring.
Canonicals: CanonicalisedHigh7.18%Update internal links to canonical versions of URLs where possible.
Canonicals: MissingMedium7.18%Specify a canonical URL for every page to avoid any potential ranking unpredictability if multiple versions of the same page are discovered on different URLs.
Response Codes: Internal Client Error (4xx)High1.83%All links on a website should ideally resolve to 200 ‘OK’ URLs. Errors such as a 404 or 410 should be updated to their correct locations, removed and redirected where appropriate.
Page Titles: Below 200 PixelsMedium8.93%Consider updating the page title to take advantage of the space left to include additional target keywords or USPs.
Page Titles: Below 30 CharactersMedium16.07%Consider updating the page title to take advantage of the space left to include additional target keywords or USPs.
Content: Low Content PagesMedium3.87%Consider including additional descriptive content to help the user and search engines better understand the page.
Security: HTTP URLsHigh0.14%All URLs should be to secure HTTPS pages. Pages should be served over HTTPS, any internal links should be updated to HTTPS versions and HTTP URLs should 301 redirect to HTTPS versions.




External Review

We analysed your environments to check for any common problems.


List of security assessment results and recommendations following a external preliminary Vulnerability Scan.

Test DescriptionVulnerabilityRisk LevelRisk DescriptionRecommendation
Searching for WordPress vulnerabilities…Using Components with Known VulnerabilitiesHighDepending on the specific details of the vulnerabilities, an attacker could exploit them to affect the confidentiality and the integrity of the application’s data or to affect the availability of the entire system.Update the WordPress to the latest version.
Attempting user enumeration…User EnumerationMediumAn attacker could try to brute-force the passwords of these users and gain unauthorized access to their WordPress accounts. As a result, the attacker could modify the content of the website, add scandalous/malicious pages or just delete the existing content.Make sure that the WordPress users have strong passwords. Furthermore, reconfigure WordPress to deny user enumeration.
Checking for valuable information in HTTP headers…Information Disclosure via HTTP HeadersLowThe HTTP headers returned by the server often contain information about the specific software type and version that is running. This information could be used by an attacker to mount specific attacks against the server and the application.It is recommended that a tester inspects this issue manually to find out if it can be escalated to higher-risk vulnerabilities.
Checking whether XML-RPC is enabled…XML-RPC EnabledLowThe xmlrpc.php file is a standard component of WordPress, however, it could be used to implement attacks against other websites such as brute-force amplification attacks.Block access to the xmlrpc.php file using a protection mechanism such as the .htaccess file or a Web Application Firewall.
Checking for the presence of the WordPress readme file…Presence of Default Readme FileLowThe Readme file contains information which could help an attacker to fingerprint the exact version of WordPress that is running, which might help mount further attacks.Remove the Readme file.
Checking whether wp-cron is enabled…wp-cron EnabledLowThe wp-cron.php file is responsible for scheduled events in a WordPress website. By generating a large number of requests to the website, it is possible to make the site perform a DoS attack on itself.Add the variable DISABLE_WP_CRON to true in the file wp-config.php and restrict access to the file wp-cron.php.


Please note that the results are preliminary and may contain false positives.

Shared Hosting Detected

List of domains hosted on the same server:

This table includes the domain names and their last resolved dates, extracted from the provided data. The full data contains 110 domains, but only a few are shown here for brevity.

Domain NameLast Resolved Date

In the context of web hosting, particularly for businesses, opting for dedicated hosting can be a significant decision. Dedicated hosting provides an exclusive server for a single client, which means that the client does not share the server’s resources with any other users. This exclusivity can lead to enhanced performance, security, and control—factors that are crucial for businesses that rely on their online presence for operations and revenue.

The importance of dedicated hosting for business reasons includes:

  1. Performance: With dedicated hosting, businesses can expect improved website loading times due to the availability of dedicated resources. This can be particularly important for sites that experience high traffic volumes or require significant processing power.
  2. Security: Dedicated servers can offer stronger security measures since the business has complete control over the server’s security protocols. This can be critical for companies that handle sensitive data.
  3. Customisation: Businesses have the flexibility to customise the server environment to their specific needs, including the operating system, software, and configurations.
  4. Reliability: Since the server is not shared, there are fewer chances of downtime caused by other websites’ traffic spikes or technical issues.

On the other hand, shared hosting, where multiple clients share the resources of a single server, can pose several risks:

  1. Resource Limitation: Websites on shared hosting may experience slower performance due to the shared resources among numerous clients.
  2. Security Concerns: If one website on a shared server is compromised, there is a potential risk for other sites on the same server to be affected.
  3. Limited Control: Clients have limited ability to install custom software or make server configuration changes, which can be restrictive for businesses with specific needs.
  4. IP Blacklisting: If one of the websites on a shared server engages in malicious or spammy behaviour, it could lead to the server’s IP being blacklisted, affecting all websites hosted on that server.

Search engines and web services may consider the type of hosting as a factor when assessing a website’s credibility and reliability. While dedicated hosting is generally not directly referenced as a ranking factor by major search engines like Google, the indirect benefits such as faster loading times, better uptime, and enhanced security can contribute positively to SEO rankings.

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