Mellors Group Report

Dive into this report for an arsenal of actionable insights. Inside: exclusive peronalised imporovments, speed optimisation hacks, SEO quick-wins, and compelling data-driven content strategy. Your digital leap forward, in a nutshell.

Mellors Group Report


External Review

We analysed your environments to check for any common problems.

Share Hosting Detected

List of domains hosted on the same server:

DomainLast Resolved

In the context of web hosting, particularly for businesses, opting for dedicated hosting can be a significant decision. Dedicated hosting provides an exclusive server for a single client, which means that the client does not share the server’s resources with any other users. This exclusivity can lead to enhanced performance, security, and control—factors that are crucial for businesses that rely on their online presence for operations and revenue.

The importance of dedicated hosting for business reasons includes:

  1. Performance: With dedicated hosting, businesses can expect improved website loading times due to the availability of dedicated resources. This can be particularly important for sites that experience high traffic volumes or require significant processing power.
  2. Security: Dedicated servers can offer stronger security measures since the business has complete control over the server’s security protocols. This can be critical for companies that handle sensitive data.
  3. Customization: Businesses have the flexibility to customize the server environment to their specific needs, including the operating system, software, and configurations.
  4. Reliability: Since the server is not shared, there are fewer chances of downtime caused by other websites’ traffic spikes or technical issues.

On the other hand, shared hosting, where multiple clients share the resources of a single server, can pose several risks:

  1. Resource Limitation: Websites on shared hosting may experience slower performance due to the shared resources among numerous clients.
  2. Security Concerns: If one website on a shared server is compromised, there is a potential risk for other sites on the same server to be affected.
  3. Limited Control: Clients have limited ability to install custom software or make server configuration changes, which can be restrictive for businesses with specific needs.
  4. IP Blacklisting: If one of the websites on a shared server engages in malicious or spammy behavior, it could lead to the server’s IP being blacklisted, affecting all websites hosted on that server.

Search engines and web services may consider the type of hosting as a factor when assessing a website’s credibility and reliability. While dedicated hosting is generally not directly referenced as a ranking factor by major search engines like Google, the indirect benefits such as faster loading times, better uptime, and enhanced security can contribute positively to SEO rankings.


Top 5 Quick Wins

We run your site through Google PageSpeed Insights and evaluated the performance of a web page on both mobile and desktop devices, here are the biggest gains and suggestions on how to improve page load times.



Here are the five most important actions to be taken to improve the speed of the website, articulated in British English and with key data underlined for emphasis:

  1. Properly Size Images (Estimated Savings: 16.88s): This is the most substantial opportunity for improvement. Images should be resized to match their display size on the website, which will reduce the amount of data that needs to be loaded, thereby speeding up the page load time significantly.

  2. Serve Images in Next-Gen Formats (Estimated Savings: 11.25s): By serving images in formats such as WebP, which provide better compression than traditional formats like JPEG or PNG, the website can benefit from faster loading times due to reduced file sizes.

  3. Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources (Estimated Savings: 2.78s): Render-blocking resources, such as certain CSS and JavaScript, delay the page from becoming visible. These should be deferred or asynchronously loaded to improve the time to first paint.

  4. Reduce Unused JavaScript (Estimated Savings: 1.09s): By eliminating or deferring JavaScript that isn’t immediately necessary for the initial page load, the site can become interactive more quickly, enhancing the user experience.

  5. Reduce Unused CSS (Estimated Savings: 0.73s): Similar to JavaScript, CSS that isn’t used for the initial page view can be deferred or removed to prevent unnecessary loading delays.

The diagnostics also suggest minimising main-thread work and reducing JavaScript execution time, which are critical for a responsive site. The Total Blocking Time (TBT) of 820 ms and Speed Index of 7.2 s are also areas where improvements could be made to enhance the site’s responsiveness and interactivity.

Addressing these opportunities should lead to a marked improvement in the site’s loading speed and user experience. It is advisable to consult with a web development professional to ensure these changes are implemented correctly. 



Issues to fix

Analysing current on page SEO here’s a list of top issues which should be addressed

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

HIGHInclude the most common keywords in the title tag, meta description, and heading tags to ensure that Search Engines can accurately identify the topic of this webpage.
HIGHEliminate any render-blocking resources to improve the website experience for your visitors.
HIGHUse images in a modern format to significantly reduce file size and improve the loading speed of a webpage, providing a better user experience and potentially increasing engagement.
HIGHAdd descriptive and relevant “alt” attributes to all “img” tags to improve website accessibility.
MEDIUMConsider adding cache headers for CSS resources to speed up the webpage for returning users.
MEDIUMConsider adding cache headers for JavaScript resources to speed up the webpage for returning users.
MEDIUMConsider adding cache headers for images to improve website performance. With cache headers, browsers can cache images and serve them quickly to returning visitors, rather than re-fetching them each time.
MEDIUMServe properly sized images to reduce page loading times and to improve the user’s experience.
LOWUsing more than 20 HTTP requests on a webpage can negatively impact the loading time.
LOWConsider moving inline CSS styles to an external stylesheet to improve site performance and maintain separation of content and design.


Content Gap

We are utilising data from SEO like Ahrefs to conduct a comprehensive analysis of top competing domains the content gap between your domain and its top 10 competitors.

Top 5 Detailed Actions to Maximise Organic Traffic

  1. Enhance keyword targeting by incorporating common keywords that overlap with competitors, such as those used by, to improve relevance and search ranking.
  2. Focus on content creation to increase the number of indexed pages, as a higher page count like correlates with better traffic.
  3. Improve the Domain Rating (DR) to strengthen site authority, taking cues from high-DR competitors like for better search engine trust.
  4. Optimise for mobile, considering the increasing traffic from mobile devices, ensuring a responsive design and fast loading times.
  5. Leverage local SEO practices to capture targeted traffic in specific geographic locations, similar to

Top 10 Competitors

DomainDRPrevious TrafficCurrent TrafficTraffic Change

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